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Job Descriptions

Swimmer Check-in: Arrives before swimmers to check them in and reports any absences to coordinator prior to meet starting.

Deck Manager: In charge of the ready area and will line up all swimmers on the deck for their event in their lane.

Timer/Recorder: Sit at a lane and record times. Need 2 volunteers for each lane. One will operate the watch and the other will record the times. Recorder also collects Place Judge forms to deliver to Master Recorder.

Place Judge: Record the order that swimmers finish. Delivers to Master Recorder.

Master Recorder/Runner: Collects the Place Judge's form from the Recorder when the event is complete, and then goes to each lane and records each swimmer's time in the time column of the Place Judge's form as noted by the recording timer. Then takes the forms to the Computer Operator after every event to input times.

Computer Operator: Will input results from each event as reflected on the completed Place Judge's form from the Master Recorder into the computer immediately after each event.

Ribbon Writer: Meet at the pool on Fridays at 11:00am to prepare ribbons for the swimmers.

Bullpen: Responsible for organizing swimmers in specific age groups and making sure they line up 5 events prior to their race. Swimmers are not permitted to swim in the pool unless racing.

Event Board: Responsible for changing out the events after one has been completed.

Set up: Helps set up before the meet.

Clean up: Helps break down and clean up after meet.

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